Tuesday, April 14, 2009

They do EVERYTHING together

The boys have gotten pretty good at going to the bathroom by themselves. And when one of them has to go the other one usually follows. Well the other day they both wenttogether. After a few minutes of them being in there I went to check on them and this is what they were doing. They were sharing the toilet and both trying to go to the bathroom together.


Natalie said...

Tanya!! That is so DANG CUTE!! Priceless!! Good kodak moment to show their girlfiends when they are 20 or so...;)

Laurel said...

That is so funny. Sydney has a friend that is a day younger than her and they fight over the toilet. So funny.

Katyakaye said...

how funny. Your boys are so cute.

Anonymous said...

Wow...I have to say I am glad Derek and I never did that :)Cute boys.